Am I qualified to home school my children?

I am in my tenth year of home schooling and my oldest student is in her junior year of high school.  Many times through the years I have asked myself the question “Am I qualified to teach my children”?  (Those of you who have proficient grammar skills are probably thinking I am not qualified.)  Many days and weeks go by where I feel like I simply do not have what it takes to raise and educate my children.  There is so much that I do not know and I have many weaknesses in life management and organization skills.  I feel like an under educated scatter brain that has no business parenting or educating children.  Who am I to educate the next generation?

Society has taught us that educators need a certain level of education and adequate training before young minds are placed in their hands.  I do feel it is important for educators to meet a certain standard of education and training but I dlearning-togethero not feel that it guarantees a quality teacher.  That being said when I began home schooling my education level consisted of a high school diploma and some military training; I had never taught any person something that is traditionally taught in the school setting.  I think it is safe to say that I lacked the prerequisites of being a proper educator.  I did do a little research on home schooling by reading books and going to an informative class but I lacked a great deal of knowledge and experience.  Looking back, I can see how some people may feel that home schooling can be an educational train wreck.  However, I have come to know that home education is an amazing experience and vast knowledge and experience is not needed.

When I started home schooling I felt called to it and I did not fret over my competence.  I knew that if the Lord called me to it He would equip me with all that is needed to complete the task.  Over the years I have discovered some of the skills I need to be the best teacher possible for my children.  Some of those skills are an open heart and mind to discover uncharted territories; perseverance to not give up even when I am at a complete loss and do not know which way to turn; acceptance of my limited abilities and willingness to grow into the teacher my children need.  There are many topics that we learn about together because I lack knowledge on topics they want to or need to learn about.  Every day brings a challenge, discovery and knowledge!  When I find myself discouraged and ready to throw in the towel I try to remind myself that my Creator has equipped me with everything I need to raise and educate the children He has blessed me with.  If have great joy in knowing that I am qualified to teach my children.

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