Seasons of Change

Time keeps moving forward and the changes that come along with this forward movement are inevitable.  For the last twelve years, I have been caring for and teaching small children, toddlers and babies.  The bulk of my focus and energy has revolved around people who rely heavily on me for their most basic needs in… Continue reading Seasons of Change

My kids do not wear their coats!

It is now officially winter and the threat of a first snow for the season is real.  Though it is nice to stay inside on these cold days we have a cow that needs to be milked and pigs that need to be feed twice daily; so we must leave our warm house to ensure… Continue reading My kids do not wear their coats!

I Crushed My Children’s Spirit

  I was listening to a man speak about the importance of not crushing a child’s spirit this morning before church.  He did not go in-depth on the topic and I was not brought to a point of conviction at that moment.  I did however walk away reflecting on how I might be crushing my children’s spirit. I… Continue reading I Crushed My Children’s Spirit